DotNetNuke multiple updates fails to change configuration

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by delymarnet0, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Hello,

    I'm wondering if anyone could provide assistance to the following DNN issues I've been plagued with since migrating from IXWebhosting to DiscountASP.

    Users can browse the site fine but an XMOD form that has been working nearly perfectly prior to me migrating to DASP now will not work 100% and i'm noticing other odd behavior that is beyond anoyoing and borderline unworkable.

    1) any configuration change on the site from within DNN requires many attempts before it actually sticks and I don't have a way to see what the problem might be. No event are captured when things fail to update. So, is this DNN, SQL or IIS/.NET? I don't know
    2) I get an error referencing:


    This article

    referenceds a fix by changing the number of worker processes but DASP support ruled that out because of policy of having separate app pools for customers.

    3) Operations by end users sometimes takes several attempts, such as navigation buttons or links (e.g., logout button will log you off only after several attempts).

    any advice would be met with open arms.

    Thanks in advance!


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