DotNetNuke Problem since this morning ...

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Corman, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. Hello to everybody ..

    Just a question, I'm running DotNetNuke (4.3.4) forsixmonthes now on DiscountASP and since this morning I get a problem when it tries to load a module.
    I download all my site (four hours) on my local PC and I can run my web site without any problem ...

    Help will be appreciate.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. Thanks a lot for your help ...

    I sent a message to your technical support.

    They told me that they've recycled the application ... I don't know what it means and now everything is OK.

    That's the first time I get this kind of problem and I can tell you that I've really appreciated the technical support of DiscountASP.

    I understand now why they were Readers' Choice for Pro.

    Thanks a lot I really appreciated what you did for me and my company.

    Jean-Pierre Cornez.

    Public Research Center of Luxemburg (Europe).
  4. Thanks a lot for your help ....

    Now I know what to do when I get that problem. That's so terrible when you see what your site can become when you have this kind ofbug that you don't trust anymore your program and you believe that the Data Base has crashed.

    Thanks a lot to your team.

    My best regard from Europe.

    Jean-Pierre Cornez.

    Public Research Center - Luxembourg.
  5. mjp


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