Hi, I'm interested to see if anyone knows of a good web based media player (something that loads and plays .mp3s on a webpage). I am currently using windows media player plug-in because I am loading variables to it, but I can't seem to load more than one at a time (Trying to create a playlist). Anything would be helpful. Rookie
Hi Joel, Thank you for the reply, I tested out the player in the link you sent me and it works great. Only thing that it doesn't support is multiple songs in the player. I'm trying to make a player that someone can add songs to the playlist. I haven't been able to find anything that isn't flash based. Thanks for the help! Rookie
I thought in that article they were showing a way to load .m3u's which would allow for multiple songs? Joel Thoms DiscountASP.NET http://www.DiscountASP.NET
There is. I was hoping to be able to add the song to the playlist via the website. Meaning if I went to a band's page and clicked "add to playlist" then the song would be put in a queue waiting to be played. I have found a couple of flash players (today) that I think will be able to do this but I haven't tested them yet. www.wimpyplayer.com www.lucidflash.com Thanks
Try this... http://digitalmedia.oreilly.com/2005/02/23/mp3_embed.html Joel Thoms DiscountASP.NET http://www.DiscountASP.NET
You could load the .m3u from a script that outputs from a database (or file). when adding to the playlist, you just have to add to the database (or file) Joel Thoms DiscountASP.NET http://www.DiscountASP.NET
So after playing around with what I thought was a solution (using wimpyplayer) for a music player that supports playlists and javascript functions. I found that it only works in IE. I think the reason my solution doesn't work in other browsers is because of security issues with passing javascript variables. I was hoping someone might have an idea on how to (or if it is possible) to recreate what I have done for all browsers. Here is the example. If you click on the big black image that says "Music Player" you can add songs to it the playlistfrom the current page and other band pages if you use IE, but it doesn't work with firefox. http://www.theundersound.com/dev_band3.aspx?bandID=24 Thanks, Rookie