E-mail recipient limit and Word e-mail merge

Discussion in 'Email' started by chilidog, Oct 23, 2008.

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  1. We are trying to send out newslettersusing Word 2003 e-mail merge tool.We are trying to send around 200 e-mails. However, only 40 e-mails are being sent. I know there is a standard limit of 40 recipients per email, but Word is supposed to send out an individul email for each recipient so I don't understand why we can only send 40 out at a time.

    Any ideas?

  2. mjp


    We ran into a similar situation with someone else recently. I suspect that even though the messages are supposed to be separate, there is some bundling going on behind the scenes with that merge tool. I'm not sure, wecouldn't get enough information from the user, but the symptom was the same.

    If you contact support, that 40 recipient limit can be increased for your domain. We cannot raise it too high though, or continue to raise it over time, so eventually you may have to figure out an alternative method (split your list, etc.).
  3. Thank you both foryour feedback.

    rcp - I wasn't able to view the Message-ID in the emails sent out in the last e-mail merge. However I ran a test merge and found the Message-ID was different for each email generated.

    mjp - I just found out some more details from our client. Apparently, she can send up to 50 emails at a time from Word, not 40. She was advised by techincal support to reinstall Outlook and Word. She hasn't done this yet and may decide to continue to split her mailing list. Another idea we thought of, though haven't investigated yet, was perhaps her antivirus software may be contributing to this issue.

    If I find out any more info, I'll post it here.
  4. Is there a way you can obtain the email headers from the individuals who received your email? I'm curious to see if the message ID is the same.

  5. Try enabling the logging feature in Outlook. Go to Tools/Options/Other/Advanced Options... and put a check mark in 'Enable Logging (Troubleshooting)'. This creates a log of the pop3 and smtp server connections. The log should be under the users profile under '\Local Settings\Temp'. The name of the file should be OPMLog.log. This should help verify if Outlook is actually initiating the number of connections that it is trying to send out. So if it made 200 connections but only had 40 emails sent out, then we can have a good starting point on where to start looking.

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