Edit auto run file list

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by JohnBF, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. I know this is really simple but I can't figure out how to do it - edit the list of files that run automatically, like default.aspx, that run automatically when you get to that directory. Thanks.

  2. Are you talking about setting the default documents for your site? If so, you can either set them from within your web.config file or you can use the ‘Default Documents’ module found within IIS manager.

    I have included our knowledge base article for how to set this within your web.config file.


    If you would like to use IIS Manager, you first need to download and install the application on your local computer. I have also included our knowledge base article for download/connection instructions for additional information.


    Alternatively, if your account is hosted on our Windows 2008/IIS 7 servers, you can set the default documents from within the control panel (my.discountasp.net) from the ‘IIS Tools’ link.
    mjp likes this.
  3. Perfect. Thanks!
    mjp likes this.
  4. you are welcome :)

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