Email Forms and Parsing Responses to DB

Discussion in 'Email' started by wmgraham, Mar 18, 2009.

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  1. I am trying to build an email receiver application that would receive incoming email forms, parse them and then call a web service that will insert them into a database on a remote server (but my problem is just receiving and parsing the emails).

    The ideal solution would be something where the application itself would receive the emails directly (no external POP3 server) and would parse and act on the incoming emails immediately (like a web service that receives and processes incoming emails). If it would have to access an external email server, in that case I would like to be able to also interact with email services such as Hotmail.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for how I might build such an application or know of any components or tools that would make building such an application easier? Or a source of an example of receiving and parsing emails.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  2. mjp


    Is there some reason you need to parse the data from an email rather than inserting it directly from a form on the site?

    Parsing email into a database is certainly possible, but there are a lot of potential issues involved and it can be a complicated process, depending on the nature of the data.
  3. basically, this is a discussion group type of application. The users get the thread header and most recent post in an email and we find that they respond per email back to the poster (many of theparticipants know many of the other participants) rather than going to the web site and logging in and posting their reply there. This means many participants onle get bits and pieces of the thread. We want to just let users respond to the email and we will parse the response and post it to the thread for them. We have another application that has similar functionality built in but that is a canned app so we can't use it for this purpose.

    I realize an email parsing solution is not as robust as the direct form to DB solution, but it will be better than missing 20% of the exchanges.
  4. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    the only way i can think of is to have your .net app to pull the email from the server and then parse the text.
  5. I think Codeplex has some examples for this sort of thing.
    Try the Search bar on the upper right:
  6. Is there a POP3 component available on DiscountASP?

    I realize I need to use a POP3 component to get the mail from the mail server.

    There seem to be several components out there, mostly COM objects.

    Is there any such object already installed on DiscountASP that I can use or, if not, how can I install such a component or get one installed? (If there is not such a component on DASP, perhaps DASP has a preference as to which they would prefer to have installed.)

    Thanks in advance.
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

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