Email is sluggish, slow, and sometimes unresponsive

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by MioTEK, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. Lately, POP3 email has been slow and in many cases unresponsive:
    (Task '[aValidEmailAddress - Receiving' reported error (0x80042108))
    -- during normal business hours.

    Late nights and weekends email seems to be a bit faster and a little more reponsive, with fewer errors.

    I am aware of the "ServerObjects" problems as of late with applications hosted by DASP, but, since (I'm assuming that) DASP doesn't use these components (to host/send/receive email) that the rest of us shouldn't be "so" affected.

    Is there any near-term resolution or action plan in the works to fix the email problems?

    -- Jim Miotke

    "We will either find a way, or make one."
    - Hannibal, 210 B.C.

    Post Edited (MioTEK) : 10/3/2005 6:25:44 PM GMT
  2. I have been experiencing the same email problems... my error is usually a timeout. I boosted Outlook's connection timeout to 2 minutes and it still returned the error. I'm not willing to set the timeout any higher than 2 minutes and really I would prefer the server response to be in the 0-10 second range.

    And, the last few days, even though I was able to establish a connection I had problems with delays when sending messages. I sent myself test emails and they sat on the server for an hour before being delivered back to me.

    Today has definitely been the worst, though... not being able to connect at all is definitely worse than having a delay.

    I have been a customer for a couple years and it seems that the mail service has had a few problems. Is it because of abuse -- people spamming with your servers? What accounts for the lack of reliability in your mail servers?

    Please let us know when this will be fixed and if this problem will continue to be a hallmark of your service.

  3. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We are aware of the issues and our system admins are working on resolving the matter. We do suspect some abusive activities.

  4. Today, I am experiencing greater than ten minute delays in establishing POP3 connections. This is getting to the point of ridiculous.

    Please resolve this issue ASAHP.

    -- Jim Miotke

    "We will either find a way, or make one."
    - Hannibal, 210 B.C.
  5. My business is 100% email related, where email work orders are recieved -- in a timely manner -- and that's what drives my business. Period.

    Today, I lost over $300 US before noon EST, and in the past several days, thousands of dollars inpotential revenue have gone by the wayside.

    When I finally decided to "sit" by the computer and babysit an attempted POP3 connection, after 63 minutes, it finally connected. And guess what? I found I lost another $600 US inpotential revenue. (I say potential, because the discretion is up to me to authorize acceptance of the orders).
    I suggest your technicians drop all of the bells & whistles projects they're working on, andDASP focus 100% ofit's attention to the email problem, or,the next thing DASPmay hearcould bea giant sucking sound; which will be the void left when your customers jump ship.

    -- Jim Miotke

    "We will either find a way, or make one."
    - Hannibal, 210 B.C.
  6. We are facing the same problems with the email; it timing out and taking to long to get a response from the servers

    We need this resolved ASAP.

    We can't do business with these types of disruptions.

  7. Forget customers and clients... the bitching and moaning from my wife when she tries to check her email is worse than any complaining I've ever heard from customers! This email situation (which has been a situation for the 2 years I've been with DASP) has to be resolved fast before I go insane.

  8. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We are aware of the recent email latency issue and we understand this issue has been frustrating for our customers. We have noticed a sharp load increase recently, far beyond natural usage growth, which we suspect is due to abusive activities. We have already identified and stopped some abusive activities. This decreased the load but did not resolve the load issue fully. Our team is working on some other methods to identify abusers and to optimize email services. This is our top priority and we hope to have the issue resolved soon.

  9. I think that enough people have voiced concern about e-mail issues that "E-mail" deserves its own area on this board. Bruce, could you please create a new section of this board dedicated to e-mail, and maybe you could put up daily updates until this is resolved. I have been having e-mail latency issues for months.

    Maybe you could also bring us up to speed on the new email system that is supposed to be in place by the end of the year (I believe that that was the general timeframe you mentioned)


  10. Email service in the past has had some issues ... but nothing like what is going on now.
    I can put up with some Occasional down time - I understand sh!t happens ... remember most of us are IT guys/gals. So we understand - up to a point.

    Like most here, when email is down, we are down as well and potentially lossing money/future and possibly current customers.

    So far today we have one account we have been unable to access at all and the others have been able to be checked a couple times. I only hope that our outbound mail has made it to hose we have sent replies too.

    Come on DASP ...there is obivously a big issue (one or maybe even more).

    here's a 2nd for a section dedicated to email on the board
  11. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    We completely understand the importance of email. We rely heavily on email as well. Please be assured that our technicians are focusing their attention on the recent email issues.

  12. taf


    I'm still having problems today. Anyone else? It takes about a minute to connect.
  13. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yes we are aware of the email latency issue. Resolving this is our top priority. We have experienced a sharp load increase recently, far beyond natural usage growth, which we suspect is due to abusive activities. We have outlined our action plan in the control panel. We will provide updates there.

  14. I am beginning to think that this problem may not be wholy internal to DASP. Other major providers (Charter, among them) are experiencingsimilar problems, with even larger barriers to overcome. Entire domains are either being blocked, or emails are getting chewed up and completely eaten, or worse yet ... stolen? Do we (meaning the entire Internet)have another Worm or some other Malware in our midst, and don't even know it ... ?

    Just some food for thought on the new email server going in tonight:

    I'm hoping that the equation DASP is considering,while determiningthe accounts that will bemigrated, favors the topXX% (say 10-, 15-, 20- or 25%) of volume accounts -- those hosted sites that account for the primary email volume.

    The old "80 / 20" rule: 20% of the accounts account for 80% of the traffic. Again, just FFT.

    Ya' never know; ya' might just find out who (if any) is running a "free to the world" email system, on your equipment, and nip the problem in the bud before it gets completely out of control.

    Just an FYI to the NetAdmins: Have you tried Postal?

    -- Jim Miotke

    "We will either find a way, or make one."
    - Hannibal, 210 B.C.
  15. Any update on this? I'm missing a lot of e-mail from today and the updates on the control panel seem to be gone?
  16. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

  17. I do not believe that you have fixed your email system.

    I have received multiple messages and phone calls from my clients saying they are STILL having problems.

    At this point, I am going to be FORCED to migrate all of my clients to another hosting provider... which SUCKS ASS

    PLEASE FIX THIS PROBLEM so I don't have to waste more time and money fixing shit I that shouldn't have to worry about

    this is the most recent complaint :

    It is the same issue of ?connection failed? and I?ll get no e-mail for hours and then 20 at once, etc. I doubt they?ll fix it at this point.
  18. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    This email issue that spawned this original thread was resolved.

    If you are experiencing email issues, please send in a support ticket so we can investigate.


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