Email send limits per hour

Discussion in 'Email' started by jzahoor, Nov 20, 2010.

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  1. A while back, I remember reading a post that DASP has imposed limits on how many emails can be prgrammatically sent at a time as well as limiting the max number of emails sent within an hour. All emails exceeding that max would be queued up to be sent at n-at-a-time per hour.

    - Anyone know what these limits are and/or point me to that post please?
    - Would those limits apply to emails sent via localhost only?
    - What if in code, I were to use my gmail SMTP with my gmail login credentials? Would the limits apply to those as well?
    - Is it even possible to use a 3rd party SMTP on a DASP-hosted site?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. mjp


    5000 messages per 24 hour period, maximum of 1000 per hour. That applies to anything passing through our mail gateways - from an application on the web server or from an email client.

    If you want to be sure that you don't run in to any problems with the limits, you should manage your mailings so no more than 1000 go out per hour. If you dump 5000 into the queue all at once, technically they will be sent over a five hour span, but in actual practice the email admins get an alert any time a large number of messages are added to a queue, so if they look and see more than a few thousand they may stop the mailing. Typically they won't stop a mailing that is under the 5000 message limit, but in any event a lot of messages in the queue is not a healthy state for the SMTP servers to be in. It slows everyone down.

    If you can use another SMTP server to send your mail you will not be affected by our limits.

    Having said that - we have to respond to spam complaints related to domains that we host whether the email is sent through our servers or not. That means if we host your site and you send out 80 million emails with your site URL in them from a server in Iceland, we are still going to get complaints, even though we did not relay the mail.
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