Email send stops working

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by quernemoen, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. My emails stopped being sent today as well.
    It's can't be the code because it's from their website and it had been working.
    It just stopped sometime yesterday or today.
    It has to be on their half of things and not ours.

    I need it fixed asap.
  2. mjp


    You'll have to open a support ticket and provide some account details. It's impossible to tell what could have happened from these posts (or even if you are on the same server). But I can tell you there were no server updates or maintenance last night, so it may be a coincidence that it happened to both of you.
  3. mjp


    It turns out that an outgoing mail server was backed up for 10 or 15 minutes this morning, and that caused a delay in the queue. You should see your test messages show up eventually.

    I know 15 minutes doesn't sound like much, butthose outgoing mail servers arelike a freeway. If you stop traffic completely for that long, the backup becomes quite large and takes a bit of time to clear.
  4. Hello.

    Email sending was made according to ur code:, mail.From includes email with my domain name but i don't receive any email to any address i want to send it.

    Nothing was changed in code and there is no any error but email is not received.
    I tried different email addresses to send email to and checked Spam folders but nothing is received.

    Can someone help me with this problem?


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