Email Virus/SPAM Filters

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Alfageek, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. Can you implement some Server-side Virus and/or Spam filters? With the latest round of viruses spreading around the internet, my inbox is getting slammed with virus infected emails (by the dozens). My client-side filters are picking it up but it takes a long while to have to deal with them one by one.

    A little Post Office server-side help would be really appreciated and a good marketing tool for you too.
  2. In our office we just implemented the SPAM firewall product that Barracuda Network makes... It might be a good solution in this case because I think you could run all the MX traffic through it (inbound) for less than a $2000 investment.

    When Spam is identified it sends a daily report to the user and the user can decide whether to whitelist or blacklist and such so it really takes the burden off the administrator. Our users like it !

    Their web site is :

    Or another suggestion would be if your servers supported external blacklists of servers then you could take advantage of to block known spammers.

    Like Alfageek said I think one or both of these would help improve your already excellent hosting offerings !

    Keep up the great work,
  3. If you do implement spam filers, make sure you have an option in the control panel to turn it off. I would at least highly recommend you install server-side anti-virus for your e-mail. It would give you something a lot of hosts don't have, and help your clients alot. I would go with Symantec/Norton products, I and my company have always used them for any anti-virus needs and they work great.

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