EmailGetAll - CP API

Discussion in 'Control Panel API' started by ina, May 27, 2008.

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  1. ina


    We tried to use the 'EmailGetAll' operation and we get the following error:
    > 'Server was unable to process request. ---> Domain Name 'xxx' is not currently on Mail.v2.'

    thank you
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    You are using the wrong method. We have a new set of methods for customers using SmarterMail. See the documentation.


  3. ina


    Hello Bruce,
    I checked the documentation and found the 'EmailGetAll' method with the same parameters:

    'Control Panel API
    CustomerApi..::EmailGetAll Method


    Account Api key.

    Domain Name to query.

    Return Value
    Returns an array of 'EmailAccount' objects '

    So what you mean by 'you are using the wrong method'?

    Thank you,


    Attached Files:

  4. You should be using the methods that start with "SM", like SMGetAllUsers. The methods that start with "Email" is for our old mail system.


  5. ina


    Thank you, for the useful information.

    I still have some questions:
    Where can I find the list of the supported operations for the new mail system (something similar to: ?

    Also, i didn't noticed where it says in the documentation ( that the 'EmailGetAll' is for the old system and that the 'SMGetAllUsers' is for the new one; also there is no difference between the versions...
    Where can I find the list of the new operations or association between the new and the old ones?

    -- Ina
  6. All the supported methods for the new mail system start with 'SM'. You will not be able to use any methods that start with 'Email'.


  7. ina


    Thank you for your response. The 'SMGetAllUsers' method worked ok.
    Also I tried to find a method to get the email usages for your new email system (the one that corresponds to the old 'EmailGetUsages') but i didn't find any.
    Can you help me to find it?

    Note: My goal is to send a notification to somebody if any user email is about to rich the user mailbox size. Do you recommend us any approach?

    Thank you,

    Ina Vaduva
  8. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I don't think you need to create an application to do that.

    1) SmarterMail will automatically send an email to the primary admin account once email usage is maxed on any account.

    2) With SmarterMail 5 (which we are currently upgrading to), you can create a event that does that exact same thing as you want.
  9. ina


    That's great.

    1. Should we have some special settings to send automatically an email to the primary admin account 9once email usage is maxed on any account)?
    2. Can we have many 'primary admin account' emails? Or is it possible to send this email to many people not only to the primary account?
    3. How can we create an event with SmarterMail 5? Can you give us some links?

    Thank you again,

  10. mjp


    1) No, it's automatic.

    2) You can only have one Primary Domain Administrator (you make that selection in Control Panel rather than within SmarterMail), but you can give other users certain admin permissions.

    3) The event system is very flexible, so it is also somewhat complicated. Check the SmarterTools documentation for more details:

    Also when you're migrated to SmaterMail 5 you can use the "help" link in the Events section to zero in on specific information.

    (Note: The link to the "Events" system in SmarterMail 5 can be difficult to locate the first time around. Click on "Settings," and it is there in the lower left corner.)
  11. ina


    Thank you !!!!
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