Empty folders after upload

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by JohnBF, Mar 15, 2008.

  1. I'm uploading the DNN framework (FTP via VWD2008). The first time I uploaded the wrong package (the StarterKit)so I erased everything and uploaded the correct package (the Install files). The second time all the folders uploaded but many of the folders or subfoldersare emply of the actual files.

    Any idea why or how to remedy?


  2. VWD only does a 'fair' job of this.

    I'd highly recommend looking for a better FTP application, many are free.
    There is a trick however for VWD2008. . .
    With the site FTP dialog open select your local folders one at a time on the left side...
    Then use the transfer button in the center.
    It won't give you a good representation of the progress but the dialog will update when it completes.
    Then do the same for each remaining folder.

    Doing it that way VWD will properly transfer your files.

    By the way, word is Microsoft is working on making this better in all of the 2008 dev tools. [​IMG]
  3. Thanks!

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