Empty row in datagrid after deletion ... with data behind it hidden. Bug ?

Discussion in 'Silverlight' started by Fastrobbie, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. I have following problem:

    I have a datagrid which itemsource is a list of Objects out of a database. I work with a WebDataService and a ADO.NET databasemodel
    When I delete an item in my gridview, the items under the deleted item all move 1 up .... but the row where the deletion happened stays empty (no gridlines either) (Though the row that was under it moved to that row, but just doesn't show). If I deleted another row somewhere in the gridview, the empty row suddenly jumps back visible at that spot ... but the last deleted row has this empty show now.
    I can switch between 2 views ... a normal and a details list. When a deletion happend ... in BOTH the views there is an empty list, on the row where the deletion happend .... and both have a row behind that empty row, it just doesn't show.
    Everytime after a delete I already use
    gd.itemsource = nothing
    gd.Itemsource = list(Of objects)
    Still the empty row always keeps there (even though there is data behind it)
    After this image I delete the date 28/04
    You'll see in the next image it gone, and rows moved up 1. So the row under it moved up behind the empty row
    In image 3 you see the details view ... and exactly on the SAME ROW IT STAYS EMPTY, while there is a datarow there too

    In this image 4, I delete another item ... and you'll see the previous emty row will show data again ... and the last clicked row is this empty bugged row now

    Anyone got any clue what I can do to fix this ??

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