Error when calling my webservice

Discussion in 'ASP.NET WebServices' started by JerSchneid, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. Hey Nick,

    Any IP address starting with 192.168 is a local IP. That means it is only valid within your local network. No one in the world (except you and anyone else on your local network) can see your web service when they click that link. That includes the DiscountASP servers, which is your problem.

    You need to set up an external web host. That basically involves making sure your router forwards HTTP traffic to your web server inside your network and addressing your network by its 'external' IP or domain name. An easy way to figure out your IP is to go to (be careful if you have a dynamic IP where your ISP can reassign your IP at any time).

    Setting up a web host is obviously a pretty in-depth topic so you'll need to understand more than what I've mentioned here. It could even be an entire business (just ask DASP!).

    Good Luck,

  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

  3. Yes I just discovered this 10 seconds ago. I had to change the following line in web.config

    <add key='HomeServer.Service' value=''/>

    Used to have the local IP address there.

    Thanks for the reply

  4. Hi,

    When my C# code running at calls a web service on my home server I get a exception stating a connection failure. I know the web service works becuase you can view it at, and it works fine when I run my web site locally.

    Any ideas why?


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