Error with sent mail with smtp with smarth mail

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by ratanak, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Hi everybody Do you how to solve this problem?
  2. tasha

    tasha DiscountASP.NET HBIC

    What is the problem?
  3. how are you trying to send email and what is the error message that you are getting?
  4. Hi everybody i have problem with using lucky backup such as bellow:
    1. When i synchronize(using luckybacup) data from client machine to keep this data in file share using samba server on server machine it have problem that i can't see all of file during synchronize but the folder and subfolder can see .
      • So, i don't why?
      • How could i solve this problem to get my data to server side?
      • There have some image error in file attachment bellow.

    Attached Files:

  5. tasha

    tasha DiscountASP.NET HBIC

    You're trying to use rsync to sync your website with a directory on your home computer? It doesn't look like you're even doing that, it looks like you're just syncing two local directories. There's no /home/username path on the server. And where does sending email come into play? Please explain a bit more.
  6. Hello tasha,
    /home/ratanak/.gvfs/staff on linuxserver/Ratanak/Testing/ is the home path i want to store in server side.

    I sent you too with image screenshot bellow.

    Attached Files:

  7. Ratanak, have you tried creating this file structure in your hosting space and then uploading the desired content via FTP?

    You can easily create sub directories to match your desired file structure using a FTP client, and since it most produce verbose logs it will be a lot easier to troubleshoot as well.

    I suggest FileZilla for your FTP client, it is free and available at the following location:

    This Knowledge Base article will show you how to connect to your hosting space here with it:

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