eweb702 unscheduled maintenance - Really?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by James Corry, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. We've just launched out new website with you and we've already had 2 severe outages (one for half a day) and now you've taken web702 down for 3 hours with no warning? We had people working on the site content (via wordpress) when you downed it and they've lost loads of work.

    How can you possible down the server at such a peak time? Why do you not have any redundancies in place? Was happy until now but this is a joke.
  2. mjp


    James, sorry about that. To answer your question, we wouldn't intentionally take a server down outside of our scheduled maintenance window if we didn't have to. Unfortunately, some things can't wait for the scheduled maintenance times.

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