Expression Web & DASP SQL server 2005

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by brea245, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. Have dasp sql server 2005 space.

    I use the server mgt studio express. I also have it loaded on my expression web(EW). I use to use flat file access and CGI (post/get). I wanted to make the migration to a secure server option so SQL fit the bill. But I find that this involves a steep learning curve for a newbie to grasp.
    I understand that my login aspx page and the 4 pages ofsurvey formbehind login will not work unless I load a simple membership database (table) in order to collect data and enable the login. And tables to store data on the survey form. When I go through EW I get a box which states: define custom statement or stored procedures.
    It has tabs, SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE.And itcontains two radiobuttons selections; SQL STATEMENT
    and another button:STORED PROCEDURE and a text button:
    QUERY BUILDER at the end of box are the <PREVIOUS | NEXT>choices.
    Does anyone knowan example of what they might want as an SQL STATEMENTS?
    All I would like to do is familiarize myself with the MSSMSE and the connection DASP SQL 2005 directory:

    database diagrams | tables | views | Synonyms | programmability| storage | security

    How can Icreate a simple datalist or gridview(for a membership db) or a flat access mdb fileor Nwind practice file to the dasp SQL 2005directory, which folder does this go to, touse it on EW or in MSSMSE? My login page is tested and ready to fire.

    I would also like to enable a confirm page and send an email on success login.

    Have any links/videos or books/articles?[​IMG]
  2. Database computing is simple to a flat file. But integration and debuggingdatabase computing is scary to me[​IMG] I'll try and help where I can.

    One of my concerns is; and I'll try not to get toopolitical.Microsoft put out the productto replace Frontpage. FP was a good tool but it out lived its usefulness and was replaced with a better product.

    That's natural in theindustry.

    Myconcern is if Microsoft wanted to migrate financially challenged newbies like me toward database in the EW suite they could have done a better job online by providingfree EW video tutorials and not leave it up to MS users of products to their own efforts.Tobe fair it's partly myfault for not being involved in database SQL for a time to have a betteridea and practise.

    Point taken, now I'll have to hunt for EW/VWD08/MSSMSE print and online material.

    Oh well...You can count mein tohelpa DASP newbie group.

    Misery loves company!!

    My immediate need is to program a tabled membership file to store and fire my login and survey formslater building larger customer infoand inventory info subsystems with several databases and admin permissions maybe in the far future data mining[​IMG]

    Thank God I don't have any clients just yet...[​IMG]
  3. Have you tried the new Expression Web?
    It's not only a replacement for FP but it has super duper CSS editing.
  4. Hi carrot,
    This sort of question comes up a lot for developers using the same products you are using.
    For that reason I'm currently creating a series of learning videos.
    This has been somewhat of a challenge for me because I don't use any of the Express products.
    So...What I did is install the express products on another machine.
    Now I'm going through each step and should have the associated videos on-line soon.

    I've worked out a few tricks and see potential "traps" at the same time...
    For each of those I'll use call-outs in the videos.

    You can help with this project by posting requests as you have done.
    If there's anything else you can use help with, for your site, please let me know.
  5. thanks Mark, I will look at the EW beta. I've seen it before.

    Under ASP.NET data control it states:
    Expression Web 2 provides the new DataPager and ListView ASP.NET controls. The ListView control is useful for displaying data in any repeating structure, similar to the DataList and Repeater controls. Unlike those controls, the ListView control supports edit, insert, and delete operations, and also sorting and paging. You use the DataPager control to enable users to page through data in a ListView control.
    Note To work with these controls in Expression Web 2, you must install the .NET Framework 3.5. See Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 in the Microsoft Download Center online.

    The other criticism I have withEW forms isunlike DASP formsresponding to your post rapidly. I might not get any response for a week and sometimes no response. I other words the service is low.

    I will lookat EW betaover the weekend, but it still does not deal with my issue.I need a good understanding of how to execute dasp SQL server 05 and manipulate data in this box to power the server part of our website on iis7.
  6. I can workup some listview code for you.
    They're really slick and easy to tie into SQL Server 2005 here.
    I'veeven done some crazy AjaxControlToolkit with CSS templates in them, wild stuff.

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