Failed to invoke the service

Discussion in 'ASP.NET WebServices' started by jman, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. I created this example service on our site at, however when I run
    wcftestclient.exe against it and invoke the service I get the following
    error. What does this mean?

    Failed to invoke the service. Possible causes: The service is offline or
    inaccessible; the client-side configuration does not match the proxy; the
    existing proxy is invalid. Refer to the stack trace for more detail. You can
    try to recover by starting a new proxy, restoring to default configuration,
    or refreshing the service.

    The caller was not authenticated by the service.
  2. I am having the same exact issue. Deployment successful, and able to access, but when I try to invoke a method I recieve the same error.

    Were you ever able to find any available solution?


  3. mjp


    Thanks for posting a follow up.

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