FCKEditor upload problem

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by webst001, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. I am trying to use FCKEditor to upload images and PDFs to my site, but after I select the local file and click "Send File to Server" the dialog just sits there. This works fine locally. I believe that the ASP user has read/write to the entire site structure so I don't think that permissions should be an issue.

    Images seem to upload, but the dialog never returns a response. PDFs just sit there. They are in the allowed filetypes. I am using the aspx config.

    It seems that others are using FCKEditor on here so this must work somehow. Thanks in advance.
  2. It does work on DASP for sure but it did take me a while to get it working - it's not the easiest thing in the world to get configured right..paths, connectors, configuration files etc.

    Unfortunately I can't remember exactly what I did to get it working because it was about 8 months ago and one of those situations where I kept trying things until it worked. I do recall others having similar problems over in the FckEditor forum and following the details in those threads did help at the time.

    I know that this probably doesn't help you much because it's not a direct solution for your problem but it might give you hope to know that it can actually work - if you put the effort in to get it setup correctly ;)
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I don't recall exactly but I think there's a setting or property you can configure to where FCK save the temp file (you'll need to set it to somewhere within your site path which can be found int eh account info section in CP)
  4. Thanks for the info, I will keep looking. I definitely understand the "try so many things I don't even remember what worked" scenario. :confused:

    I have set the temp path in the config file, but I was using a relative url. Perhaps that is the problem. I will play around with it. Thanks again!
  5. After looking into this further I still haven't come up with a great solution. Same thing still happens, but I have found that the main file manager uploader (From the "browse server" button) works fine. For now I will use that instead of the link dialog upload.
  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    i'll make sure I post back here if i bump into the solution again.

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