** Filenames got rename back to old names **

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by navalshipc1, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. Dear all,

    I used IE and login to my ftp site. Then used IE to rename a few files in the ftp site. I was happy with the new filenames for a few days. Then suddently all the files got roll back to their oldnames. Why? This happen to my website twice now. What happen?

    Anyone can answer my question, please.

    Thank you,

  2. mjp


    I'm not sure why your files seem to be reverting to previous versions. There is nothing happening automatically on our end that could "roll back" any files in your account.

    On the server side there are a couple possibilities:

    - Restoring the files from a backup, which would only happen if you requested it.

    - Restoring files from a backup due to a hardware failure. This is very rare, and I can think of no examples of it happening in the past couple of years (in fact I just checked the system activities log going back 6 years and saw no instances of site file corruption/restoration due to hardware failure).

    Unless you specifically requested a restoration backup, neither of those would seem to apply.
  3. Dear mjp,

    I know I did not order to roll back any files in my account, because I did not contact you and your staff.

    By anyway, "Roll back" can be trigger by program? Or is there "Roll back" option in the "Control Panel"? Is there a log what roll back my files?

    Look forward to hear from you.

    Thank you,

  4. mjp


    There is not automated rollback available through Control Panel or any other means, so I'm not sure why your files would seem to revert.

    Do you make all of your updates via FTP through IE? I have to suspect that somewhere you are connecting and uploading old files, perhaps without realizing it...some FTP clients will "auto sync" local and remote files, and if you connect to your site from a local directory containing older files, that could be a cause.

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