FileUpload and Memory Usage

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by jb2006, Sep 14, 2007.

  1. We are currently using the FileUpload control on our site to allow members to upload files. Unfortunately it appears this is causing a memory issue during high usage. I did some research and it appears that even though we limit the file size to 200k if a member uploads a file over that size the server still has to store that file in memory. I don't believe there is a way to read file size on the client, at least not that is browser independent.

    For DiscountASP.NET admins, there is a file upload component called PowUpload ( claims to circumvent the memory problems associated with FileUpload. Do you have this component installed? If not can you install it? Or is there some other component that we can use to upload files that won't cause memory issues?

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