FileUpload - is this feature available

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Rookie, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. smc,

    Discountasp does allow all that you listed. I have performed all the tasks you are attempting on my hosting account.

    Good luck!
  2. smc


    excellent! thank you Rookie, much appreciated.
    I'll be signing up then.
  3. smc


    I am looking to sign up for the .NET 2.0 hosting. I want to find out if I can do the following with one of the plans.
    I am very familiar with the security aspect of uploading files.

    My site will be a gallery site that will allow users to upload images. The image will be uploaded to a directory on the webserver and the image details will be stored in a DB.
    After the image is uploaded, a preview version and a thumbnail version will be created from the original uploaded file and also saved to the server.
    As more images are uploaded, the asp file will check if the number of files in the upload directory exceed a certain number and if they do then a new directory is created and files will be saved to this new directory and so on....

    I want to know if allow

    - the upload of files to the webserver using the ASP.NET 2.0 FileUpload control
    ( File1.SaveAs('filename.jpg')

    - the creation and saving to the webserver of new files (e.g. thumbnail versions)

    - the creation of new directories by CodeBehind

    thank you for any replies.
    If does not allow this could you tell me what you do allow and I'll see if I can adjust my code to suit. txs.

    Post Edited (smc) : 8/6/2007 12:33:53 AM GMT

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