First site on DiscountASP.NET seems slow

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by sebulba, Mar 28, 2011.

  1. I recently put my first of several sites I am moving on to Discount ASP.NET. The site seems to load fairly slow compared to where it was previously housed. It's not always slow, but about 75% of the time it is. Are there any obvious things I should be considering in trying to figure out the slowness? Maybe like something in my web.config that needs to be set differently for Discount ASP.NET?

    The site can be seen at:

    It is a .NET 3.5 site on Windows 2008/IIS7. Most of the previous sites I have done have been .NET 2.0. It's a mostly static site that does not even connect to a database. I would like to understand what's going on before I move additional sites.
  2. mjp


    Your site opened instantly for me, for what it's worth.

    You may be seeing a compilation delay, which will happen any time your application starts up. Once it is in memory that delay doesn't occur. So you might notice that if you reload after a slow first load, the load is much quicker. That's because the application is already there in the server memory, and does not need to compile before running.

    Two things can cause the application to be dropped from memory: 20 minutes of inactivity, or resource usage in excess of what is allocated for your application pool (using more than 200mb of memory or 70% of CPU for five minutes or more).
  3. Thanks for the reply. I'm also doing a bunch of FTP uploads over the last week which could be causing the delay as the site recompiles. I'm going to monitor the site more and will post back here with what I find.
  4. Update?


    I was wondering if you have an update to your site performance? I just signed up for service with discount and was wanting to get feedback.

    I am about to start a project and would like to have that site also hosted here if everything runs well.

  5. I actually got sidetracked and haven't been working on the project I have hosted here for the last week. So far things have been looking pretty good but I can say more definitively once I'm spending more time here again.

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