First website job ever.... Can you please critique my work!

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by danielr, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. This is my first website that I have ever built and would really like to have you guys beat me up over it so I can learn how to make it better.

    The forms all work but I administer them if you would like to fill them out to test.

    Also I have noticed that my search page does not work [​IMG] I don't know why!
    This site was created using FP 2003.

    I am a sponge so let me have it!


    P.S. The site is not totally finished so be prepared for more changes daily.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    FrontPage Search function has been deprecated by Microsoft since the release of Windows 2003.

    1 thing i noticed is that the height of the black section on top of the page (News Flash / webmail ...) changes with different pages. For example, in the 'How to Participate' page, the black bar is much thinner than other pages.


  3. Thanks, Bruce.

    Is there any other function that I can put in place for a search page in place of Frontpage search.

    You did not find anything else wrong with the site?

    Thanks again,
  4. mjp


    The main image on the index page is almost 350k - that's still a big download for most people. Even with a broadband connection, that image is going to slow down the loading of your first page. The total size of images on your index page is almost 470k - again, makes for a slow introduction. Try this analysis and see the numbers for yourself:

    The scrolling "Thank you for visiting the site" line is kind of annoying, but that's a matter of taste. Some people like to see a lot of things moving around on a site, some don't. Generally speaking though, a lot of animation tends to give an amateurish feel...


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