Flash Newbie:

Discussion in 'Flash/Shockwave' started by Bruce, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    No.. I do not think so.

    THe file must be cached somewhere.

    Have you tried clear your browser cache?


  2. Double check your paths, make sure you are not removing the file in a second location.

    Joel Thoms

  3. After adding the code to embed a flash movie into one of my .aspx pages (which worked just fine.) I made changes to the .swf offline, and attempted to replace the old one on the web server. After I ran the page, no changes were evident. I then deleted all .swf files from the web server, but the page still loads the first flash file, even though it has been deleted.

    Does ASP.NET 2.0 merge the flash file into it's code somehow? When I place a different .swf file(different name) on the web server, and then change the name accordingly in the HTML, that loads fine. If I delete the .swf from the web server, it STILL runs fine?

    Any ideas? If someone could explain how Flash works in ASP.NET 2.0...I would appreciate it.
  4. Thank you for responding. Everything is working fine now. I must have done something terribly wrong the first time around.

    Thanks, again!

  5. I've had this happen when my browser caches the swf file. After you upload a new swf file, make sure to clear your local cache as Bruce suggested.
  6. You know, that makes complete sense. However, it's not clear to me why I didn't think of it.[​IMG]

    Thanks for your help!


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