form problem

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by gibson, Dec 17, 2004.

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  1. Hey can someone tell how a get the value of the textfield from the first form (form1) Because it don't works.


    <form action="" name="form1">
    <td width='100' align='center'><input type="text" name="aantal" />
    <form action="boeking3.asp" method="post" name="form";">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdnAction" value='<%=RowCounter%>' />
    <td width='140' align='center'><input type="image" src="images/caddie.gif" onclick="this.form.hdnAction.value='<%=RowCounter%>';" name="B3" > </td></tr>

    Post Edited (gibson) : 12/17/2004 1:46:32 PM GMT
  2. Still got the same error. If i do the things away with straantal it works when it is there i got the problem (see blue lines)

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E10)
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access-stuurprogramma]Het veld COUNT is onjuist
    /asp-gip10/boeking3.asp, line 57

    [*]Soort browser:
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

    POST 37 bytes naar /asp-gip10/boeking3.asp

    [*]POST Data:

    The code for printing the data in an .inc file
    Dim RowCounter
    Do while not rstKlanten.EOF

    response.Write "<td width='60' align='center'>" &amp; rstKlanten("IdNummer") &amp; " </td>"
    response.Write "<td width='230' align='center'>" &amp; rstKlanten("Titel") &amp; " </td>"
    response.Write "<td width='300'align='center'>" &amp; rstKlanten("artikel") &amp; " </td>"
    response.Write "<td width='70' align='center'>" &amp; rstKlanten("Prijs") &amp; " </td>"
    response.Write "<td width='90' align='center'>" &amp; rstKlanten("Kode") &amp; " </td>"
    <FORM action="boeking3.asp" method="post" name="form">
    <input type="hidden" name="hdnAction" value='<%=RowCounter%>' />

    <td width='100' align='center'><input type="text" name="aantal_r<%=RowCounter %>" />
    <td width='130' align='center'><input type="image" src="images/caddie.gif" onclick="this.form.hdnAction.value='<%=RowCounter%>';" name="B3" > </td></tr>
    RowCounter = RowCounter+1

    code in the booking 3 page to write the lines away:

    ' Verbinding

    strConnstring= "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &amp; Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")

    set cnDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConnstring

    set rstKlanten5 = cnDB.execute("SELECT * FROM tblprijslijst")


    set rstKlanten = cnDB.execute("Select KlantID from qryKlanten ")

    do while not rstKlanten5.eof

    dim intgetal8

    intgetal8 = Request.Form("hdnAction")

    intIdNummer = rstKlanten5("IdNummer")

    straantal=request.form("aantal_r" + intgetal8)

    if cint(intgetal8) = cint(intIdNummer) then

    strRang = rstKlanten5("Id_Rang")

    strOrde = rstKlanten5("Id_Orde")

    strTitel = rstKlanten5("Titel")

    strArtikel = rstKlanten5("artikel")

    strPrijsE = rstKlanten5("PrijsE")

    strPrijslijst = rstKlanten5("Prijs")

    strKOde = rstKlanten5("Kode")

    ' Verbinding

    strConnstring= "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &amp; Server.MapPath("db1.mdb")

    set cnDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") strConnstring

    strSql = "Insert into tblBestelling(klantid,Id_Rang, Id_Orde, Titel, artikel, PrijsE, Prijs, Kode, aantalstuks?) "

    strSql = strSql + "Values('" &amp; strklantid &amp; "','" &amp; strRang &amp; "','" &amp; strOrde &amp; "','" &amp; strTitel &amp; "','" &amp; strArtikel &amp; "','" &amp; strPrijsE &amp; "','" &amp; strPrijslijst &amp; "','" &amp; strKOde &amp; "','" &amp; straantal &amp; "')"





    end if



  3. I think you can't. You only receive the values of the form you are posting, which is the form which has the submit button you pushed. Only if you use 1 big form, and determine the row which you are in, you are able to get the values of the other inputs.

    One solution might be to give your inputs a name like aantal_r<%=RowCounter %>. With method you are using (onclick="this.form.hdnAction.value='<%=RowCounter%>') in the boeking3.asp page, you are able to get the specific values of that row by using

    <FORM action="boeking3.asp" name="form1">
    <tr><td width='100' align='center'><input type="hidden" name="hdnAction" value='' /><tr>

    <tr><td width='140' align='center'><input type="text" name="aantal_r<%=RowCounter %>" /><input type="image" src="images/caddie.gif" onclick="this.form.hdnAction.value='<%=RowCounter%>';" name="B3" > </td></tr>



    in the boeking3.asp, you should be able to get the desired results

    iRow = request.form("hdnAction")

    iAantalOfRow = request.form("aantal_r" + iRow)


  4. Strange error ...
    It states "Het veld COUNT is onjuist ", however the line of code which generates the error has nothing to do with a field count. Is line 57 the one in blue ?

    Maybe a few remarks:
    • Do you have a field with the name Count ? Because that might cause problems since it is a reserved word. If in your code you want to refer to that field (however it is better to avoid such a field), you should refer to it as [Count].
    • straantal=request.form("aantal_r" + intgetal8): it is better to use a '&amp;' to concatenate the strings to form the name. It probably does not generate the error, but it is better to use a &amp; to concatenate (although + will work)
    • it seems that all yourfields are text-fields ? It might be better to use number-fields for quantities etc.

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