Free On-Demand SQL Backup, Restore, and Shrink Database Tool Suite Officially Launched

Discussion in 'Announcements, news, blog posts' started by Takeshi Eto, Aug 1, 2006.

  1. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    DiscountASP.NETproudlyannounces SQL hosting enhancements with the launch of automated on-demand SQL database backup, restore, and shrink database tool suite. This new SQL tool suite is available in the DiscountASP.NET control panel at no additional cost and is available for both SQL 2005 and SQL 2000 database hosting customers.

    The SQL Backup tool allows customers to create a real-time backup of their SQL database, while the SQL Restore tool can restore a SQL database from a backup file in real-time. The Shrink database tool helps customers optimize their database by shrinking the SQL database to the smallest possible size. All SQL tools in this suite can be run in an on-demand basis.

    The DiscountASP.NET Team

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