FTP Access to hosted sites down?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Beetlecat, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. Hey there,

    I've opened a support ticket for discountasp, but I wanted to see if this is a problem affecting more than just me.

    Is anyone else having trouble (as in no ability to-) connecting to their hosted FTP sites? My web applications work fine, but I can't obtain an FTP connection at all.

    This is really making taking a day off from work and getting web projects done very difficult! :)

  2. I just finished FTP'ing 1,145 files to a DASP server and there was no problem.

    Also sync'd my /bin/ files about an hour before that, with no problems.

    Both Macromedia Studio MX 2004 and Visual Studio 2005 Pro work very well for me here.
  3. Make sure that yor firewall is not the cause of the issue,since many times thats the case.What kind of problem are exactly facing?


  4. Please remember when it comes to troubleshooting ftp, the primary tool to solve this problem is the ftp log. This is key in diagnosing the problem. If you are using an ftp client that does not generate ftp logs, I highly recommend obtaining one that does. FileZilla is free and generates ftp logs. Others has said that it is unreliable, but so far for me its has proven its worth being free and all.
    If you are still experiencing issues with ftp, post your ftp log and we can get to the root of the problem.
  5. We have raised a ticket as we are unable to connect with Cute (although previously had no problems).
  6. Our database that we have is very slow. Is anyone else experiencing this? This started for us early this evening?
  7. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    not aware of any problem on any server today.

    if you continue to see problem, open a support ticket.



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