Get a handle on Spam

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by Bruce, Sep 27, 2006.

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  1. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Website email link was a very common place to get email address for spammer.

    Spammers nowaday is getting a little more sophisticated. They not only spider websites to harvest email address but they also check the whois directories for domain name and send spam to [email protected]

    Few suggestions to combat spam

    1) Disable Catch all. Spammer usually sends many email to any possible accounts on a domain name. Enabling catch all will get you many many more spam!!

    2) Don't post your email address on forum and bulletin board.

    3) If you already get a lot of spam (like me :<), try use one of those Challenge and response spam trapping system like Spamarrest.


  2. Use a few keywords and run searches with this link:

    You'll be able to search all day for methods to combat Spam.

    I posted this to share a few simple methods that have been working great.

    Using ASP.NET to combat spam.
    1) Require persistent cookies in comment sections of your site, or anywhere users can post quick replies.
    Your normal users don't even need to know, it can be seamless.
    (Lets not debate cookie use for this, doesn't apply. This method effectively stamps out Spam.)

    2) Create a 2-part form post; i.e. User has to click to load a form for posting.
    Spam bots won't make it that far and this sort of thing is very easy to do in ASP.NET.

    3) Use the Ajaxvalidation extenders.

    Note: One of the sites I have hosted with DASP is a Coding/Modeling community for today's Games.
    It's a great community but also gets a fair share of the 1%'ers. (No name calling here.)
    By using these methods I went from 24hour a day spam to ZERO spamwithout effectingthe Users.
  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    hehe.. good point..

    i get excited when people talk about spam.. cause i hate spam!!!!!


  4. Me 2 bro, I still do not understand random acts of violence.
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    we constantly have these heated debate on the spam issue in our office.

    Our email admins think that email (SMTP protocol) is "broken". When SMTP was built, it never intended to be used in such a massive scale and it lacks many features, for example

    - It doesn't have authentication, ie. anyone can send mail as whatever email address
    - it doesn't guarentee delivery
    - etc...

    I think this is partially true.

    I think of Spam is a big problem because it works. Most regular users are stupid enough to buy stuff from spammer (which according to one report, over 90% of the online store advertised by spam are fraud). In addition, it is so cheap to send spam (illegally), spammer makes money even with a 1 in a million convertion ratio.

    i think user education is the key to eradicate spam!


  6. Rock on bro. [​IMG]

    We jumped into the Internet protocols and POP system before they were ready for the population.
    Back when we were running Wildcat! BBSes we had protocols that were richer than the ones we use now.
    Will take a lot to getthe world to accept the new secure protocols,rather than remaining stateless.
    You should see the mess we dealt with internally at Siemens regarding the laws within the U.S. and Germany.
    Try to develop a protocol with privacy and security features and the FBI will fight to keep it within the U.S. alone. [​IMG]
  7. mjp


  8. That's pretty cool Joel, good stuff bro. [​IMG]
  9. Good stuff bro but I was referring to Spam in on-line posts, Forms, etc.

    For E-Mail I still rely on the filter control in Eudora.
    It does an excellent job, you can even delete spam on fetch, which I like a lot.
  10. Ya my blog hopped onto some spam hit-list. i was getting blasted with over 100 comment spams a day, which increased my interest in zapping comment spam.

    The guys over at Akismet have a great little service.

    Joel Thoms
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