Hello Forum ASP.NET People: I try to get small data for a client after he made loggin in a default.aspx page but I could not see any label that should appear with the data for a client (See picture #1) You can see the source of Login.aspx, Login.aspx.cs, and deault.aspx.cs on the others attachments pictures. Thank you for your help. CPA
Hello Forum ASP.NET People: I tried to get small data for a client in default.aspx page, after the client did a loggin but it did not show any label (See picture #1) You can see the source of Login.aspx, Login.aspx,and default.aspx.cs in the other pictures attachments. Thank you for your help. CPA
Hello Forum ASP.NET People: I tried to get small data for a client in default.aspx page, after the client did a loggin but it did not show any label (See picture #1) You can see the source of Login.aspx, Login.aspx,and default.aspx.cs in the other pictures attachments. Thank you for your help. CPA
Hello Forum ASP.NET People: I tried to get small data for a client in default.aspx page, after the client did a loggin but it did not show any label (See picture #1) You can see the source of Login.aspx, Login.aspx,and default.aspx.cs in the other pictures attachments. Thank you for your help. CPA
The database connection string is not correct. You need to use the database connection string found in your Control Panel: https://my.discountasp.net/mssql.aspx Make sure you also use your actual database password. The database connection string you have shows that your application is trying to connect to your local database instance at home.
Then you need to provide more information because I assumed you were hosting your application on our servers. Where is the application hosted? Do you have screen shots of the tables you are using? Also, have you tried stepping through your code using Visual Studio?
asp:Label with data I got connection with the Discountasp.net Server but I could not see any short data in a label, you can see these information of code in the pictures. After a login it creats a cookie for username but in the default page should appear a label with some little information. Please say me what is my wrong. I appreciate your help.
This connection SQL2008R2_891214_natnicseng77ConnectionString does not seem to be configured correctly. I'm not sure why you are using an SqlDataSource when you have manually coded the connection string... or why you're using a data reader. What are you trying to do exactly? Just get data to appear in a label?