Giving Application Identity "Write" access to a subdirectory

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by Ardime, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. I have an 2.0 application that need to actually "create" files in a subdirectly. I need to give the Application Identity "Write" access to this folder but permission manager only applies to users that I create.

    Is there a way do this in the control panel? If not, then how. I ask tech support but I get the usual "We're not familiar with your application, go to the forums" copout.
  2. dmitri

    dmitri DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Permission manager is only for the additional users your create in "User / Quota Manager" section. Your ASP.NET application is running under security contents of Anonymous ASP.NET User and should have read/write permission to your root and any subsequent directories.

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