Glacial email server response

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Harvey Birdman, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. Gentlemen:

    I'm experiencing extremely slow email server reponse and transfer rates. This is not the first time this has happened recently. It's particularly irritating because I just tried to file a support ticket, only to find out I need to get authenticated... vai email, and guess what? Assuming the authentication message IS there, I can't download it.

    Little help?
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    I am not aware of any issue now. If you still have problem, create a ticket.


  3. The ticket was created and the response was 'We had a problem but it has now been fixed'.

    And now again, one day later, a 20KB email message takes over 2 minutes to download. I imagine I'll get the same 'We had a problem but it's now fixed' response once again.

    The mail service has been very unstable for weeks. I guess I'll just create a new ticket every day, notifying DASP of the trouble, and then they'll fix it, for the remainder of that day.

    Hardly satisfactory.
  4. I too have experienced at least 6 different occassions in the past year where where email ceased to function for anywhere from a few minutes to hours. The recent incident where a backbone went down is certainly understandable, but repeated occasions for "glacial" or non-existent email service has me looking around for another host.

    I have a technical firm and we exchange 1-5MB files regularly with architects and engineers. Today it took me over 20 minutes to download a 514kb (thats KB) file. WHY was firewall service scheduled for BUSINESS HOURS? NOT very user service minded!

    I have voted every year for as the top host, but I can tell you that if there is not some acknoweledgement ontheir part they are going to re-evaluate their uptime performance and provide better service - I WILL BE LEAVING!

    Michael Hemmer
    [email protected]
  5. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    That is bizzare.. i looked at our helpdesk and I only see a few tickets related to email latency. In general, whenever there's a server issue (especially Email server), we'll get at least 50 tickets.

    Have you guy performed any traceroute while the latency is occuring?


  6. I have not done a traceroute. Good suggestion. I will do so the next time the problems occurs and post the route.
  7. my email is laboriously slow almost everyday for the last week. I'm using Outlook 2003. What is a "traceroute?"
  8. Hello Forum Administrator

    I just recieved a notice of the post by "imfrgvn" when lo and behold my own email service slowed to a crawl.

    Below is the tracerouteI ran immediately (OS is WinXP SP3 with all updates):

    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 11 ms 9 ms 8 ms
    3 8 ms 10 ms 7 ms []
    4 * * * Request timed out.
    5 10 ms 12 ms 9 ms []
    6 * * * Request timed out.
    7 * * * Request timed out.
    8 20 ms 18 ms 27 ms []
    9 19 ms 35 ms 24 ms []
    10 21 ms 20 ms 19 ms [
    11 21 ms 20 ms 21 ms [64.94.31
    12 23 ms 25 ms 23 ms
    Trace complete.

    Does this help explain the "glacial performance"?
  9. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    possiblily.. if you see all the request timeout (line w/ *)


  10. I've also notice pretty damned slow access -SMTP andIMAP anyway, I'm not using POP- and sometimes access just quits altogether. My other SMTP/IMAPsetups with other providers (gmail, work, etc.) are flawless. Look here -> There's always some kind of problem with one server or another.

    I think they just don't realize there's a problem. Usually DASP is very good about keeping the customers in the loop about things. They're not the types to just lie about it, so it must be that they just don't believe there's an issue.

    So, I suggest that each and every time any of us encounters slower than usual e-mail response or the servers just stop responding, open a ticket. Maybe once they see a ton of tickets being opened up, they'll realize that the problem does exist and look for ways to fix it.
  11. Excellent suggestion Jamie - Will do and by the way I think you are probably right that they are unaware of the problem because we don't take time to make an issue unless the service deteriorates badly or does not function for some significant time.
  12. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Seriously.. I am not aware of major problem w/ mail. I know some servers are a little slow during peak time but it should NOT cause disconnection.

    Like Jamie said, create a ticket and we'll do out best to resolve the issue.



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