Google Cache..!!!

Discussion in 'Site Design, SEO, Google and Site Promotion' started by Chemo, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. Hello,

    First of all 'Small Hello' from me.. I say small as I am very new to SEO stuff and still have a long way to go :)

    Ok.. now my problem..

    I had written an article a while a go which took about 3 days for Google to it indexed so I started submitting it to few other articles I wrote that had better PR in Google.. The forums was using SEO friendly URLs for better search results. And finally the linked got indexed after 3 days.

    Now the forum administrator changed the rewrite rules and the link that I had submitted were broken link and I had to change them all manually.. but now after 6 days Google still shows the old link which is a broken link... This article is going to be ranked but the I am loosing points because of the broken link.. :(


    The question here is.. Is there a way to learn to minimize the time between Google updates for a URL..? How are the updates calculated..? Is there a tool available that can inform Google that there is an update available..?

    I may be asking too much but I have heard that this is possible with XML feeds.. does any one know any thing about it.

  2. Thank you John.. Thank you for the wonderful and informative reply.

    I do understand the advantage and disadvantage of having a forums but the site that I am posting in has a good PR for few of its pages. However the site does not get updated/changed very frequently.. so from what you say it is going to take a while for the new link to get updated in Google..

    About the XML feeds.. I have heard that Google itself has it feeds where we can add our site and ask them to check for updates and only those who have Google Add sense on their site can have them.. how true is that..?

    Also in forums, is every thread on the forum is treated as one page and does every thread have its own PR..?

    Sorry if I am asking too much but I am very new to these things and I want to learn as much as I can in a very short period of time so that I know the articles that I write have a high value.. :)

    Thanks once again for your time to reply..
  3. We post a lot of Google and SEO links on Dot Net Kicks.
    Check ourSearch there, I posted one for Google SEO last week.
  4. Jmeeks

    Jmeeks DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Hi Chemo,

    I can answer a couple of the questions you have.

    In regards to the indexing at Google, it really comes down to how often the page in question is updated. What normally happens is Google will visit a page multiple times when it is first discovered. This is done to get an assessment of how often the content on that page is updated. The more often it updates, the more often Google comes back to get a new cache for indexing. Forum postings tend to get ranked pretty well because they are very rich in content, and content that is very informative to other users.

    The down side to forum posts is after a while the post tends to die off in regards to activity and as such the addition of new content from other people posting on the forum post dies off. As that die off occurs, Google notices the lack of activity and start to slow the amount of times it visit the page because it basically is a waste of resources for them to cache a page that hasn't changed since the last time they visited.

    No there is no way to calculate when Google will come back and re-cache the page. On top of that there is no tool that will really tell you that Google has come back either. If you have access to the log files for the site and page in question, you can watch the bot traffic to see if the Google Bot comes back, but that isn't necessarily going to guarantee that a new cache of the page is going to be taken.

    In regards to the XML feed, what you may be hearing about is using an XML or RSS feed on the site/page to feed new content on the page. What this does is feed new content onto the page in question, so when Google comes back they are always seeing new content and in turn seeing a reason to return on a more frequent basis. This wouldn't really work for your forum posts, but would work on your basic site, say on your home page.

    Hope that helps


  5. Thank you Mark..

    But I did not find any related article there.. Can you please provide me with the direct link.

    Also is '' can be of any help for getting a page indexed or updating Google cache..? It has few option such as craw site and more.. what does these options actually do..?

    Any help is much appreciated.

  6. Thank you for the link.. I will go through them one by one.


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