Graphic Server .net 3.5 - data connnection problem

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by leonaisse, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. Hi all

    I hope someone can help me with this.

    I have downloaded the developer kit for Graphic Server .net 3.5 and have added the controls to my VSWDE.

    I have added a GSNetWebChart to my webform and can get this to display properly without data when i view it online.

    My problem comes whenI try to add the data from my SQL DB. I drop in the control and the visual wizard appears, I click on the data button and add a connection stringand a SQL statement and test the connection which returns OK.

    When i use the X and Y axis dropdowns they are populated with the column names from my DB but when I select one it displays a message box with the error:

    "You did not enter a valid field source name. The field sourcce name must be one of the fields specified in the Oledb Select string."

    I have used both select * and select [column name1], [column name2]..... and all have worked in my query analyiser.

    can anyone help

    Post Edited (leonaisse) : 1/27/2007 2:28:10 PM GMT
  2. Well,what column type does your table contain?You will get this exception when you try to plot non-integer colums values on thw webchart.



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