I've spent hours messing with this today. I've tried several different scripts, mostly ASP, one or two Java. None of them work. Here's one: <% 'declare your variables dim varad, objAd 'create an instance of the Rotator object and assign variable Set objAd = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.AdRotator") 'make sure the page will open up in a new browser objAd.TargetFrame="TARGET=_BLANK" 'call the GetAdvertisement method and assign all details to variable varAd = objAd.GetAdvertisement("text/ads.txt") 'display the banner and its details Response.Write varAd %> Here's another: <% url=Request.QueryString("url") If url<>"" then Response.Redirect(url) %> <html> <body> <% DIM strBanners Set strBanners = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.AdRotator") Response.Write (strBanners.GetAdvertisement("/text/advertisements.txt")) %> And there's also the appropriate text files. Any help would be most appreciated.
Is that Classic + VBScript? Since this question was posted in the ASP.NET forum, I'll pitch in with yes - the ASP.NET AdRotator web control that ships with VS2008/2010 works fine on the DASP web servers.
I'm using the asp.net add rotator with xml, and it's working really fine, you can check it in http://www.dentiumcolombia.com . So are you using classic ASP?? or ASP.NET??