Help me (How can i solve this problem? ) Converting PDF to JPG format

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by bala024, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. Hello Friends:

    Here i am converting PDF file to JPG format using . it's working fine in my local system
    But when i upload on server occuring the following error..

    {{ Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {16AA0B9E-79AC-43B5-86CA-AB961FBEED5F} failed due to the following error: 80040154. }}

    (This CLSIDno {16AA0B9E-79AC-43B5-86CA-AB961FBEED5F} is under contains the Photoshop software )

    Because here i am using Photoshop basis convert the PDF file to JPG foprmat

    My Coding is:

    Dim temp As String
    temp = FileUpload1.FileName
    FileUpload1.SaveAs(Request.MapPath("~/temp/" + temp))
    Dim ntif As New Photoshop.Application
    ntif.Visible = False
    ntif = New Photoshop.ApplicationClass
    ntif.DisplayDialogs = Photoshop.PsDialogModes.psDisplayAllDialogs
    ntif.DisplayDialogs = Photoshop.PsDialogModes.psDisplayErrorDialogs
    ntif.PlaybackDisplayDialogs = Photoshop.PsDialogModes.psDisplayNoDialogs
    Dim opdf As New Photoshop.PDFOpenOptions
    opdf.Resolution = 100
    ntif.Open(Request.MapPath("~/temp/" + temp), opdf)
    Dim jpg As New Photoshop.JPEGSaveOptions
    jpg.Quality = 4
    ntif.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(Request.MapPath("~/JPEG/original/"), jpg, True, 2)
    ntif.DisplayDialogs = Photoshop.PsDialogModes.psDisplayNoDialogs
    ntif.DisplayDialogs = Photoshop.PsDialogModes.psDisplayNoDialogs
    ntif.PlaybackDisplayDialogs = Photoshop.PsDialogModes.psDisplayNoDialogs

    How can i solve this problem. Please give me the possible solution for this problem.
    Thanks and Regards
  2. Far as I know we don't have access to Photoshop components on the DASP servers.
  3. Try checking the security settings on the folder where the Photoshop.exe is setting. For simplicity's sake add Everyone to read/write/execute.

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