Moved here from a host with good PERL support in order to get the ASP, but now my formmail pages don't work. Tech Support provided the following code to work with their "Persits" email component: ===================== <% Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("Persits.MailSender") Mailer.Host = "localhost" Mailer.FromName = "DiscountASP" Mailer.From= "[email protected]" Mailer.AddAddress "[email protected]" Mailer.Subject = "This is a sample email sent from ASPEMail" Mailer.Body = "Congratulation" & VbCrLf & "If you receive this is, your mail component works" ' catch errors On Error Resume Next Mailer.Send If Err <> 0 Then ' error occurred Response.Write "Mail send failure. Error was " & Err.Description else Response.Write "Mail sent..." End If %> ============= which I put into an .asp file and it works great for sending myself an email with a string literal in the email body. But they won't tell me how to get the data from my form fields into variables that I can pass to this file and embed in the email body. I'm frantically studying ASP and VBScript, and in fact have already mastered the database connectivity, which is the main reason I moved the website here from the other hosting company, But I've got to get these forms working again, soI'd be immensely grateful ifanybody could point me in the right direction? -Michael