Help with

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by LaneMeyer, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. I'm trying to get started with graphics, and am running into a problem right away. I've been trying to get some of the sample code running, and I can't even get past the compile stage...

    The 'using' statements that I have in my .cs codefile doesn't appear to be right... They are:

    using GraphicsServer.GSNet.Charting;
    using GraphicsServer.GSNet.SeriesData;

    Any thoughts? I'm just hoping to get a sample page up and running that createsany kind of chart, and I can't get very far if I can't even reference the graphicsserver objects!

    Note: This is up on the server, not on my local dev box.
  2. I solved my own problem (with some help from the knowledge base of course!)

    In case anyone else runs into this, it's because you need to add a reference to the component in your project (in your web.config).

    This kb article explains it.

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