Hosted Source Code Control at DiscountASP

Discussion in 'Windows / IIS' started by Mike Graham, May 17, 2010.

  1. I'm interested in creating a centralized source code control repository at my DiscountAsp site.

    I'd really like to use Mercurial / TortoiseHG / Visual HG. CodePlex now supports this system as an alternative.

    It seems that this system is dependent on Python, which seems to be a show stopper for DiscountAsp sites.

    Does anyone have any light they can shed on this? Is there an alternative? Is there a work-around? Is there a hosting provider that does support this system?

    Thanks in advance,
    -Mike Graham

    Notes: --------------------------------------------->

    Mercurial is the source control system:

    TortoiseHG ( adds file system context menu items for managing source control.

    Visual HG ( is the Visual Studio extension that is a wrapper for Tortoise HG.

    Awesome Video:
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    most of our customer host their own source control software in their development environment.
  3. Assembla is largely well spoken about and they look to be offering free svn and git hosting again right now.

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