Hot link protection

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Smilin Frog, Mar 8, 2004.

  1. I would like to see a Hot link protection component that can be enabled/disabled via the control panel.

    thank you. [:D]
  2. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Can you provide an example?
  3. hmmm, didnt realize it was scarce component.

    one of my old hosts used an isapi filter and had a option in control panel.
    i'll look into finding the component they used.
  4. the filter they used is home-grown, and i cant find a viable substitution.

    its not a real big problem for me at the present time, i would just like to see the feature added, cuz im a lazy frog. [:D]

    seriously tho, i think hotlinking (bandwidth theft) should be a priority prevention feature provided by the server.
  5. i will be cancelling all of my accounts with

    thank you, have a nice day! [:D]
  6. mmmmmm Hotlinks....

    What the heck is this dude talking about?
  7. dynastar,

    Hotlinking is when another web site links directly to your image.

    If somebody includes your image in a Forum, the bandwidth will be counted against you whenever somebody views the forum and load the image.

    This could eat up a lot of your alloted bandwidth.
  8. CMK


    Many of us are still waiting for some sort of hotlink feature.

    What are some options to prevent this? I will also change hosting companies if there is no viable solution to hotlinking soon.
  9. Hey Joel,

    Nice article and nice domain name! I didn't realize you had Very cool :)
  10. Ya I had an emergency that arose when myspace usersstarted to hotlink some images I had. Started to blow up my bandwidth.

    I think I got the domain back in '96 (when you could still find a decent domain).

    Ya, I'll be sure to hold onto this domain. Can't let it accidentally expire... lost a few domains that way.

    Joel Thoms

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