how can I use "index.php" as default file for the homepage?

Discussion in 'HTML / PHP / JavaScript / CSS' started by raymondp, May 15, 2007.

  1. Log into your discountasp control panel and click on IIS Manger on your left hand side. Click on the tab that say Default Docs. You will see a text box with probably some names on it like index.htm, index.htm and so on. Just make sure you input at the very top index.php and click on update. This should make index.php your startup page.
  2. it might not be difficult , but I just dont know how to set index.php as the deafualthomepage for my website. it is fine when I type but when I try it will list the whole files I have on my site[​IMG] I am new with this thing , help me plsssss [​IMG]

    Thank You[​IMG]

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