How do I access the file system to create and store files?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by norisk, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. Howdo I create a file using Streamwriter.createtext('c:\Temp\Myfile.txt') on the servers here and set permissions?


    Bill Ross aka
  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Try this :



  3. Thanks. That was almost it. I wound up with:

    StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(MapPath("/Temp.txt"));

    Thanks again,

    Bill Ross
  4. string path = Server.MapPath(@"/App_Data/test.xml");
  5. Yes,you have equal permissions to all the folders within your application root directory .But remember as a security measure, files in the App_Data folder are not served by the Web server.


  6. Indeed, even the new version of the Msft Sync Toy is refused access to the localApp_Data folder.
  7. Ok, well I was afraid I was asking a stooopid question, but there are some lessons:

    * if you want to create temp files, use server.mappath(@"/app_data/")

    * if you need to access the file system and allow other apps to access the files, use server.mappath(@"/somethingotherthanapp_data/")

    Yes? Is that the bottom line?


    Bill Ross
  8. Hey Bill, just read some of your Blog posts, some good reading there bro. [​IMG]
    As for your site root question,try it like this instead:

    That way, with~ asthe Application base path designator,you catch the correct site root App Data folder.

    In a data string |DataDirectory|\somefile will also catch somefile in the root App Data folder.

    It can be a lot of fun using that one.

    This connection string syntax is supported by the SqlClient and OleDb managed providers.
    By default, the |DataDirectory| variable will be expanded as follow:

    - For applications placed in a directory on the user machine, this will be the app's (.exe) folder.
    - For apps running under ClickOnce, this will bea special data folder created by ClickOnce
    - For Web apps, this will be the App_Data folder

    Under the hood, the value for |DataDirectory| simply comes from a property on the app domain. It is possible to change that value and override the default behavior by doing this:
    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", newpath)<a target="_blank" href=""></A>
  9. Are there any directories with special privileges assigned, such as app_data, or do I have equal permissions anywhere I want to put a file?


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