How do i create a blank instance base on this blog

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by JON30, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. This blog guides you through the process of moving from SQL Express to a SQL Server 2005 database .In short,you need to have your web application point to your SQL 2005 database instead of SQL Express(default in most cases) .

    Step1:Just creates the schema (required by ASP.NET Membership Provider) on the specified database (You can either use the wizard as shown or use the command line tool (aspnet_regsql.exe) to do this.

    Step2:Update your applications web.config to point to the above database instead of SQL Express.You can do this manually in your web.confi or using the GUI interface as shown.

    See : for more details.


  2. I'm a newbie so i dont quiet get what your saying--This blog guides you through the process of moving from SQL Express to a SQL Server 2005 database .In short,you need to have your web application point to your SQL 2005 database instead of SQL Express(default in

    Whenever i ran this COMMAND aspnet_regsql.exe) i dont see the APPSERVICEdb and the ASPNETdblisted in the drop down list or the pubs only master and temp and i think two more

    also a follow up question. when installing SQLEXPRESS.the term machine- name use... are they refering to the name of the pc when u first setting up

    window xp,and if so if my pc name is DELL1 under where it ask about naming an instance .I'm suppose to

    state the instance as DELL1\SQLEXPRESS or just use the sqlexpress and hit next or change it to default and hit next
  3. Well,are you planning to use ASP.NET membership in your application?
    If yes then
    You run the aspnet_regsql.exe with all the appropriate database information,it creates the database schema(tables,relations etc) for you .
    So,aspnet_regsql.exe -S [DB Server Name] -U [DB login] -P [Password] -A all -d [Database name] <-Replace all the place holders by your database info.
    If you intend to use MS SQL 2005 without the ASP.NET membership ,just add the

    <remove name='LocalSqlServer' />
    <add name='LocalSqlServer' connectionString='Data Source=<DB_Server>;Integrated Security=false;Initial Catalog=<DB_Name>;User ID=<DB_User>;Password=<DB_password>' providerName='System.Data.SqlClient' />

    in your web.config (Replace all place holders by your database Info.)

    As far as the SQL Express setup is concerned,you can have DELL1\SQLEXPRESS or you can use localhost\SQLEXPRESS


  4. yes i'm planning on using ASPNET.2.0 AND ran it on the SQL 2000 server That is why i wanted to config SQLEXPESS.I HAVE 2 QUESTION

    1 What is mean by the term machine -name

    2 with regaring to this info--aspnet_regsql.exe -S [DB Server Name] -U [DB login] -P [Password] -A all -d [Database name]

    Are you talking about the database, server name, login and passwordnamethat withmy host server, and ran

    that info in the command line?

    Thank again for helping

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