How do I manage my URL? How do I create a startup Form?

Discussion in 'Getting started' started by ryguy7272, Aug 20, 2009.

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  1. I signed up for and used this URL a few weeks ago:

    Didn't post anything meaningful yet; too busy. Finally had time today to sit down and develop my site. I am now done and trying to post to that URL (above).

    I copied my site, and all contents, to the remote website, which is here:

    Unfortunately, I can't see anything here:

    Also, I wanted to have point to a Form named Regular.aspx. How do I do that? How do I make Regular.aspx my startup Form?

    I found something under 'Web Application Tool'. It looks like Windows Explorer; I can't seem to control it. How can a user control the URL from

    I don't see any way to control the contents of my web site. Am I missing something? I came across something about how to deploy VWD to web servers. It says, 'Log into your control panel and enable the directory as a web application root using the Web Application tool.' What does that mean? I went to the web application root, but couldn't really get it to do anything useful. I can't seem to control any elements on my site (well, it works fine in VWD, but it doesn't do anything in Please help!!

  2. Who maintains this site? Why doesn’t the Web Application Tool respond to any user input? What do I need to do to get this to work? I’ve beet trying for nearly 24 hours to deploy my data from VWD to and haven’t made any progress at all. Kind of disappointed with the functionality… I don’t believe that it is this hard to use; I must be doing something wrong, but I can’t tell what’s wrong because there are no instructions as to what to do…

    Please Help!
  3. What exactly are you trying to do? The web application tool was not created to be a file manager but a way to setup subfolders as an application folder.

    I checked the links you provided and the site is pulling up, whether they are suppose to work the way you want maybe a different story. What did you want your site to do when they type on the browser?
  4. mjp


    If you uploaded everything to:

    Then the URL to view it would be:

    But you don't have a default document in /app1, so you will just see a list of files. A default document is a page called index, default, etc. The web server looks for a default document when you give it a URL with no document specified after the domain or directory (like


    If you want the contents of /app1 to come up when someone goes to, then you have to upload the files to:

    and add a default document.

    You can add Regular.aspx to your list of default documents in Control Panel (make sure it is at the top of the list), or rename it index.aspx.


    The drawback to adding Regular.aspx as your default document is that every URL on your site will look for Regular.aspx - so you won't be able to effectively add content to any subdirectories. What that means is, if you add Regular.aspx as the top default document, these URLs:

    would try to load:

    And you probably don't want that.

    So your best bet would be to rename Regular.aspx to index.aspx.
  5. Thanks for the follow up everyone. I really don't know how this stuff works. I'll look at this as soon as I get back to NYC; I'm in China now. I tried to deploy the web site (for a friend) before I left and coldn't get it working; simply ran out of time. I'll check in on this as soon as I'm back in the states and hopefully I can resolve everything (fairly easily) at that point.

    Thanks again for the help,

    PS, the only time I ever deployed a web site before I used my own computer as the server. Obviously, that solution offers limited potential. I'm just learning how to do this..the right way...right now... Thanks for hanging in there with me!!
  6. mjp


    No problem, let us know how it goes.
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