how do I secure images?

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by dunca06853, Nov 7, 2010.

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  1. I was previously storing my images in a db for security reasons. i am now having to store my images on the file system instead for performance reasons.

    i currently have my images folder locked down for only authorized users. however, i do not want authorized users to be able to view ALL images.

    for example, user1 is not allowed to see image.jpg. therefore, i want to disallow or redirect if user1 types in a url such as:

    how can i accomplish this? I think I need a way to only allow access to my images folder via my web app only. and not directly from a browser url.

    any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Secure images from direct access

    I recently converted from storing my images and pdfs in the database to now storing them on the file system. I was previously storing my images and pdfs in a database for security reasons.

    I now need to restrict access to images/pdfs on my webserver so the only access is through my web app. Further I have internal user groups setup so only authenticated users can see certain images/pdfs.

    For example:
    User1 is a allowed to only view images/image1.jpg and images2.jpg
    User2 is a allowed to only view images/image1.jpg.

    I do NOT want User2 to be able to see any other images by typing into the address bar:

    Can someone suggest a method for locking this down. Perhaps there is a way that I can set permissions similar to the App_Data folder so that info cannot be accessed unless via the webapp.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    May be you can block read access to the images folder completely.
  4. Good idea. Thank you.

    When I deny read access to restricted folder, I get the following results...

    Direct access to image (via browser address bar such as
    This returns an error page. Great!

    Indirect access (via my aspx/ashx page such as
    I am prompted for a password. is there a way that this can be handled in my webconfig?

    any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. securing files: solution.

    here is a simple solution for securing your images, pdfs, etc.

    1. Create a restricted, secure location:
    create a subdir under App_Data folder (ie, restricted).
    By virtue of App_data, files are not directly accessible via browser. access must be via

    2. To view file:
    a. create aspx file to show file (ie, showFiles.aspx)
    Image1.ImageUrl = "videoHandler.ashx";

    b. create a file handler (ie, fileHandler.ashx)
    dynamically set content type and file path. hardcoded here for simplicity.
    context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "image/jpeg");

    3. To upload file:
    just use a fileupload control to your restricted directory.
    FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/") + "restricted/" + FileUpload1.FileName);
  6. mjp


    Thanks for posting your findings.
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