How does IIS communicate at runtime with ASP.NET

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by raymondp, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. Jazz,

    All calls to the server whether it is or just html starts at the IIS server. The IIS server gets the call and depending on how the extensions are mapped determines how it will be processed in the system. For ASP.Net it starts at the IIS server and then it pushes it through a series of built-in http modules. This controls typically control the cache and sessions. Then once it pushes passed the http modules it goes to the handlers. These handlers, you can commonly see them in your web.config file, determine how the controls are going to be interpreted and how it is going to generate the output of the form being passed. Once that is done it passes it back up to the built-in http module and back to IIS where it will spew out the output to your browser.
    The handlers is a layer under the IIS so when you pull up a http page and view the source code you do not see the codes, only the html code.
    I hope I explained it well enough for you although I'm sure others can be more technically precise in the description of it. For more information and documentation on this matter I found this page which I think maybe helpful for you.

  2. Hi All,

    Can any one please help me to answer this How does IIS communicate at runtime with ASP.NET? Where is ASP.NET at runtime in IIS5? IIS6?
    I will highly appreciate your feed back!

    Thanks In Advance!


    .Net Application Development

    Post Edited (jazzlearner) : 11/17/2008 6:58:36 AM GMT

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