How much server memory does discountASP.NET give you?

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by PJ2010, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. I love this site and have no intention of leaving; it's miles ahead of the last place I was using. That said, and referring to the last post here: my question is:

    It seems a program I wrote in ASP.NET will sometimes run for a long time, during off-hours, and sometimes, during peak (daylight EST or GMT) hours, will run for about 2.5 minutes before I get "Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503." or a related error (see the post above). Seems like I'm running into an fixed allocated memory size limitation.

    At another site, somebody mentioned that "In my case, this error was caused by hitting a site memory cap instituted by my web hosting company. They increased my limit and it went away."

    So my question is: how much memory does DiscountASP.NET give customers, at various times of the day--does it vary by the hour and is it proprietary? If not, I'd like to know if it's a fixed number so I can plan accordingly when I write programs. In the particular program I mention above, I reduced it to run leaner and it's actually better now, since over 2 minutes without a response from the browser except a ticking clock or hourglass is too long for a user to wait anyway.

  2. dmitri

    dmitri DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The accounts that are hosted on Windows 2003 / IIS 6 platform have 100MB of physical RAM dedicated to it. Those that are on Windows 2008 / IIS 7 platform have 200MB. These values do not vary by the hour.
  3. But they do...

    Dimitri--can you confirm what I found on the web below is true about this site? It's from fall of last year...

    Of interest to me is the 70% over 5 minutes threshold...does this mean if you go over this threshold you get the error: "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable"? I assume so, please confirm.




    Please note each customer's account runs in their own application pool.

    We have limited the amount of server resources an application can utilize before being recycled, here is the criteria:

    Windows Server 2008/IIS 7:

    * Idle timeout set to 20 minutes. (Information is NOT logged)
    * Memory threshold set to 200 MB.
    * CPU limit set to 70% utilization over 300 seconds (5 minutes).

    It looks like your site is meeting the Idle timeout criteria.
  4. dmitri

    dmitri DiscountASP.NET Staff

    The recycling criteria you provided is correct. When you reach those limits, your application pool is recycled. When your application pool is recycled, you loose your sessions, unless your account has SQL Sessions enabled. You get service unavailable error when your application crashes or hugs, but it does not depend on recycling limits.
  5. No, I think the service unavailable does happen if you exceed the memory limit of * Memory threshold set to 200 MB and the other two criteria.

    That's because my program works fine on XP on my local machine, but only has a service unavailable error on the servers of discountASP.NET. If it was a bug it would have showed up on my machine, which has 3.5 GB RAM. But, like I say, it's not a big deal since I streamlined the code so it runs for less than 200 MB and faster.

    Thanks for your reply.
  6. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    service unavailable usually means the app has gone into a hung state which eats up all the HTTP connection.
  7. You could open a ticket to support, and they can tell you what problem you're running into, whether it's CPU, memory, etc.
  8. Is there a process to move your app to a Win2008 server?

    If not, if I cancel my account and start a new one am I guaranteed to get a Win2008 server or can I still end up on one of the old ones?

    I ask because my app uses an 70mb access database. The access/JetDB connection seems to suck up most of my memory just opening the database and running a few queries. I guess the database engine just keeps a lot of stuff cached for performance. This is not something I have control over. There are no database connection string parameters that restrict memory use.

    The result is my app cycles dozens of times a day. Sometimes every minute. From doing monitoring on my own machine it looks like the 200mb cap would really help so I'd like to move the app. I'm not worried about some minor downtime with DNS switchovers.
  9. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Yes. Open a support ticket, we'll send you the details.
  10. After having run on the new server for a few days I can says it makes a big difference having 200mb memory. My site is running much faster and hardly ever unloading.
  11. mjp


    Good deal. Glad it's running better for you on 2008/IIS7. Most people who move have the same experience. Some of it is memory, some of it is improvements between IIS6 and IIS7.

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