How to develop a lookup page using VWD Express 2005/SQL Server Express 2005

Discussion in 'ASP.NET 2.0' started by aj31, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Hi all, me again...this time, I want to create a lookup page with the following search criteria: Name, Address1, Address2, City, and State. I want the user to input a value in any of the fields and press the Search button. I will have 2 tables: Client and Policy. The Client table will have the following columns: Name, Addr1, Addr2, City, State, Zip, and ClientID (as primary key). The Policy table will have the following columns: Name, Policy (as PK), and ClientID (as foreign key).

    I'd also want to allow the user to make wildcard searches. Please provide detailed steps as I am new to ASP.NET 2.0 or please provide a link to a good tutorial. Thanks in advance!
  2. This is one of my most favorite things to do in ASP and ASP.NET...

    Everything you need is here:

    Especially notice the section: Accessing the Database Directly from an ASP.NET Page

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