How to Disable all Email Filters???

Discussion in 'Email' started by diablo, May 6, 2008.

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  1. Hello Forum,

    I have been looking through the forum, KB,and the SmartMail help information and cannot figure out how to turn off ALL filters and even if I did manage to do it, there is no clear indication that they are turned off (at least not that I could find).

    I prefer to make my own judgement on wheather something is spam or not, and I am fearing that I am already missing some emails thatare critical.

    Can you please provide clear directions on how to disable all filtering???


  2. Bruce

    Bruce DiscountASP.NET Staff

    • Log into webmail as the domain admin
    • Goto Domain Settings -> Domain Spam filtering
    • Check Override Spam setting for this domain
    • Goto Actions Tab
    • Change all the Spam Action to "No Action"


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