How to do Credit Card Billing With and C#

Discussion in 'ASP.NET / ASP.NET Core' started by Takeshi Eto, Jul 30, 2005.

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  1. Takeshi Eto

    Takeshi Eto DiscountASP.NET Staff

    To clarify: IPWorks deprecated the CCICharge component and they folded this into their new iBiz component suites. Our product team was unable to work out a partnership for the iBiz components and the older CC ICharge component is no longer available for download off of the IPWorks website.

  2. Hi all,

    It turns out that the DiscountASP admins weren't able to reach an agreement with IPWorks about a server license for the "CCharge" credit card billing component. As a result, some of the newer hosting servers do not have CCharge installed, forcing us to do billing manually or buy their $99 license. After some researching, I discovered some C# code which will perform credit card billingwith Irewrote the code into a class, and hopefully this will help you get up to speed quickly. Be sure to supply your Username, Password and Transaction key in the private variables below before attempting transactions.

    I am going to work on a similar class for PayPal over the next couple of weeks. The SDK offered by PayPal is confusing (if you ask me) and it would be nice to have a well-written object-oriented interface for PayPal.

    Reply here or email me at [email protected] if you find any bugs. Enjoy!

    using System;

    using System.Text;

    using System.Net;

    using System.Web;

    using System.Collections.Specialized;

    namespace MyNamespace


    /// <summary>

    /// Summary description for AuthorizeNet.

    /// </summary>

    public sealed class AuthorizeNet


    #region Private Variables

    // Enables or disables test mode. When enabled, no credit cards are actually

    // billed.

    #if TESTMODE

    private bool pIsTestModeEnabled = false;


    private bool pIsTestModeEnabled = true;


    // Authentication information for

    private string pUsername = "";

    private string pPassword = "";

    private string pTransactionKey = "";

    private string pVersion = "3.1";

    private string pCurrency = "USD";

    private string pOrderDescription = "MyCompany Software Purchase [MyPhoneNumber]";

    // Ordering information. These parameters are set before performing a billing

    // operation using the Authorize() method.

    private string pFirstName;

    private string pLastName;

    private string pAddress;

    private string pCity;

    private string pState;

    private string pZip;

    private string pCountry;

    private float pAmount;

    private string pCardNumber;

    private DateTime pCardExpirationDate;

    private string pCardCvvCode;

    private string pAuthorizationCode;

    private int pTransactionId;


    #region Constructors

    public AuthorizeNet()




    #region Public Properties

    public string Version




    return pVersion;



    public bool IsTestModeEnabled




    return pIsTestModeEnabled;




    pIsTestModeEnabled = value;



    public string FirstName




    return pFirstName;




    pFirstName = value;



    public string LastName




    return pLastName;




    pLastName = value;



    public string Address




    return pAddress;




    pAddress = value;



    public string City




    return pCity;




    pCity = value;



    public string State




    return pState;




    pState = value;



    public string Zip




    return pZip;




    pZip = value;



    public string Country




    return pCountry;




    pCountry = value;



    public float Amount




    return pAmount;




    pAmount = value;



    public string CardNumber




    return pCardNumber;




    pCardNumber = value;



    public DateTime CardExpirationDate




    return pCardExpirationDate;




    pCardExpirationDate = value;



    public string CardExpirationString




    // Get a two-digit year

    int pExpirationMonth = pCardExpirationDate.Month;

    int pExpirationYear = pCardExpirationDate.Year - 2000;

    return pExpirationMonth.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "/"

    + pExpirationYear.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');



    public string CardCvvCode




    return pCardCvvCode;




    pCardCvvCode = value;



    public string OrderDescription




    return pOrderDescription;




    pOrderDescription = value;



    public string AuthorizationCode




    return pAuthorizationCode;



    public int TransactionId




    return pTransactionId;




    #region Public Methods

    public bool ChargeCard()


    // Create a client to service the request

    WebClient AuthorizationRequest = new WebClient();



    // Create a collection to store parameters to send off to

    NameValueCollection RequestParameters = new NameValueCollection(24);

    // Set up basic configuration information for the request

    RequestParameters.Add("x_version", pVersion);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_delim_data", "True");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_login", pUsername);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_password", pPassword);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_tran_key", pTransactionKey);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_relay_response", "False");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_delim_char", ",");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_encap_char", "|");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_method", "CC");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_type", "AUTH_CAPTURE");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_currency_code", pCurrency);

    // Billing Address

    RequestParameters.Add("x_first_name", pFirstName);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_last_name", pLastName);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_address", pAddress);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_city", pCity);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_state", pState);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_zip", pZip);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_country", pCountry);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_description", pOrderDescription);

    // Are we using the test server?



    // Yes. No actual billing will take place.

    AuthorizationRequest.BaseAddress = "";

    RequestParameters.Add("x_card_num", "4111111111111111");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_exp_date", "01/06");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_card_code", "123");

    RequestParameters.Add("x_test_request", "True");




    // No. The credit card will be billed!

    AuthorizationRequest.BaseAddress = "";

    RequestParameters.Add("x_card_num", pCardNumber);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_exp_date", CardExpirationString);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_card_code", pCardCvvCode);

    RequestParameters.Add("x_test_request", "False");


    // Set the amount to charge to the credit card

    RequestParameters.Add("x_amount", pAmount.ToString());

    // Send the request out

    byte[] objRetBytes = AuthorizationRequest.UploadValues(AuthorizationRequest.BaseAddress, "POST", RequestParameters);

    // And read the response, splitting variables by commas

    string[] objRetVals = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(objRetBytes).Split(',');

    // Was the transaction approved?

    if (objRetVals[0].Trim('|') == "1")


    // Yes! Get the Authorisation Code

    pAuthorizationCode = objRetVals[4].Trim('|');

    // and the Transaction ID

    pTransactionId = Convert.ToInt32(objRetVals[6].Trim('|'));

    // And return success

    return true;




    // Which error occurred?

    if (objRetVals[2].Trim('|') == "44")


    // CCV transaction decline

    switch (objRetVals[38].Trim('|'))


    case "N":

    throw new CreditCardException("The card verification code is incorrect.");

    case "P":

    throw new CreditCardException("The card verification code was not processed.");

    case "S":

    throw new CreditCardException("The card verification code should have been specified but was not.");

    case "U":

    throw new CreditCardException("The card issuer has not been certified to use card codes.");



    else if (objRetVals[2].Trim('|') == "45")


    switch (objRetVals[5].Trim('|'))


    case "A":

    throw new CreditCardException("The zip code entered does not match the card billing address.");

    case "B":

    throw new CreditCardException("No address verification information was specified.");

    case "E":

    throw new CreditCardException("The address verification system reported an internal error, possibly due to maintenance in progress.");

    case "G":

    throw new CreditCardException("Address verification was not performed because the card is for a bank outside the United States.");

    case "N":

    throw new CreditCardException("The zip code and address both failed an address verification check.");

    case "P":

    throw new CreditCardException("Address verification is not applicable for this kind of transaction.");

    case "R":

    throw new CreditCardException("The address verification system did not respond in a timely manner. The server could be temporarily unavailable. Please try your transaction again in a moment.");

    case "S":

    throw new CreditCardException("Address verification is not supported by the credit card issuer.");

    case "U":

    throw new CreditCardException("Address verification is not available for this credit card.");

    case "W":

    throw new CreditCardException("The nine-digit zip code matches, but the billing address does not match the address on file for the credit card. Please check the address and try again.");

    case "Z":

    throw new CreditCardException("The zip code matches, but the billing address does not match the address on file for the credit card. Please check the address and try again.");



    // Return failure

    return false;









    // Shut down the WebClient

    if(AuthorizationRequest != null)






    public class CreditCardException : Exception


    public CreditCardException(string message) : base(message)




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